
We value small businesses in the Four Corners and want to meet folkx where they are at financially. We recognize that set rates can be a hurdle that blocks business owners from even reaching out. So we are moving forward with a different model, a sliding scale based on what you can afford. For example, some clients pay $15 per hour and others pay $50 per hour.

Pricing will be determined on an individual basis.

Bring your answers to the following questions when we meet:

  • what can you afford to pay hourly, weekly, or monthly?
  • what can you pay and still make a profit for yourself?
  • can you pay a few dollars more to support other small businesses?

A note for business owners that are thriving, when you pay at a higher rate you support other businesses. A pay-it-forward gift that benefits our community!

Rental Hours

Snow Haven is available for rent in blocks of 15 minutes with a one hour minimum. Rentals can begin as early as 8:00 am until 8:00 pm. Please be sure to book enough time to complete any set up and clean up.

It is the responsibility of the renter to wipe down surfaces and remove any personal or business items at the end of their rental this includes any food waste.

A contract will be sent after an initial meeting and a rate has been decided. Please read through it thoroughly before signing and returning the contract.